O Merciful One
Allah, I’m not deserving for so many of the things you bestow I ignore your commands and put my trust in other than you Anytime I go down this route, I’m at loss I am lonely without you Allah
Somebody pinch me
I’m losing my hope and in despair
I cry for you Allah, please don’t let this happen
Forgive me Oh Rahman, you are the Merciful
One moment of impulse and negligence to your Path
And the consequences are severe.
Ya Allah, why do I oppress my soul?
Why do I let Satan get the best of me?
Why don’t I learn the lesson and repeat my mistakes?
Please don’t make me among the blind ones
Help me find the truth and seek the truth every moment
Guide me to your Nearness
Allow me the joy to experience your blessings and mercy
Bring me near to you in everlasting harmony
Allah, I’m not deserving for so many of the things you bestow
I ignore your commands and put my trust in other than you
Anytime I go down this route, I’m at loss
I am lonely without you Allah
There is no body in this world that can fill the void of my empty heart
Except to dive in your love
Allah, forgive me.
Please forgive me.
I think back to that moment
The moment of your disobedience
The moment of anger
The moment of impulse
I sit here ashamed
Praying it’s not too late
To ask you for another chance
Begging you for your mercy and compassion
Calling you by the names you’ve taught us
Oh Loving Lord of Mine, in these days, don’t neglect me
The way I neglected your remembrance
As I still live in this dunya
Give me the chance to improve and better myself
Provide me growth and strength to move forward
Help me be engulfed in your love and remembrance night and day
Forgive me for any moment that I didn’t strive towards Your way.