Upholding the Boycott
Some people question the effectiveness of boycotts. In reality, if Muslims truly lived up to the boycott calls, the impact on companies’ bottom lines would be more than noticeable.
Many people have already started to forget about boycotts because the tragedy in Gaza is old news. However, the necessity to boycott brands or companies that support Israel is not limited to the height of conflict alone. Most if not all of the Maraja Taqleed (Religious Authorities) have issued edicts in this regard. For some of them, see here. Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Sistani states in A Code of Practice for Muslims in the West:
“249. It is not permissible for a Muslim to buy products of the countries that are in a state of war with Islam and Muslims, for example, Israel.”
“265. Question: Is it permissible to buy from shops that dedicate part of their profits to supporting Israel?
Answer: We do not allow that.”
Acknowledging the busy lives that we all have, many people support the idea of a boycott but have not taken the time to find out how to follow-through. So what follows is some data about a few of the greatest offenders that we should boycott. We noted in a previous article that a more complete list is located online.
You can also check for labels on clothing and other items for “Made in Israel”. However, it is an urban legend that numbers in product bar codes can indicate country of origin, so that is not an effective method of avoiding products made in Israel. Further, even if an item is not made in Israel, that does not ensure that the manufacturer is not on the boycott list, as they may still have heavy investments in Israel and/or be run by Zionist leaders.
Some people question the effectiveness of boycotts. In reality, if Muslims truly lived up to the boycott calls, the impact on companies’ bottom lines would be more than noticeable. History has shown that they can be effective if enough people participate. However, whether one believes it will be effective or not, the personal obligation we each have to make every effort to avoid financially supporting Zionism remains.
While many companies have investments and plants in Israel, these five are notable for being headed by active Zionists and thus may be among the worst offenders and most important to boycott:
1. Estee Lauder – includes DKNY, Tommy Hilfiger, Donna Karan, Aveda and more
Why: Ronald Lauder is a leader in the Jewish National Fund, an organization that exists to legitimize occupation of Palestinian land and is an ardent Zionist.
2. Home Depot – includes Expo design centers
Why: Founder Bernard Marcus is a staunch Zionist and serves on an organization called Emet that functions to ensure US media is biased in favor of Israel.
3. Starbucks
Why: Howard Schultz, chairman of Starbucks, is an active Zionist working toward tightening the relationship between the US and Israel.
4. The Limited – includes Victoria Secret, Lerner’s, Lane Bryant, Bath & Body Works, and White Barn candle stores
Why: Founder and CEO Les Wexner is an active Zionist and works for Emet, which works to bias US media in favor in Israel.
5. McDonald’s
Why: McDonald’s is a major corporate partner of the Jewish United Fund that works to increase US military and economic support for Israel. It also pays for Christian leaders and American high school kids to go to Israel and be indoctrinated in Zionist propaganda. Its CEO Jack Greenburg is an honorary director of the American-Israeli Chamber of Commerce in Chicago.