In the name of God
We would like to urge our readers and supporters to follow the case of our respected Sister Marzieh Hashemi (legal name: Melanie Franklin). She is currently being held without charge by the United States. Hashemi is an African-American journalist and Iranian TV news anchor that has been arrested by the FBI. They have not announced any charges even after two days of holding her. It has been reported from her family that the government forcibly removed her religious headscarf and have been disrespectful and harsh in their treatment.
They have subpoenaed her children to testify in court for unknown reasons. Hashemi has been subject to harassment when traveling in and out of the United States for over a decade. Keep in mind that she is a US citizen.
Shaykh Husayn Mekki questions, do US citizens even have true free speech? Or is there truly freedom of religion? Are we innocent till proven guilty or is it the other way around?!
This event serves as a a reminder to all conscious people.
In the immortal words of Ali ibn Abi Talib (as): “Stand firmly against the oppressor and be a helper of the oppressed.”
The team at Islamic Insights is asking everyone to raise awareness about this issue. If you are unsure or doubtful about being outspoken and/or supportive, remember that your silence or neglect will only enable and ensure that in due time your rights too will be inevitably infringed upon. Remember, this could be your mother or other loved one.
Public opinion does matter and below we have provided several options to take action, please do what feels most comfortable to you.
- Donate to cover lawyer /legal expenses
- Sign the petition
- Post everywhere on social media using hashtags #Freemarziehhashemi and #Pray4marziehhashemi
- Write, call, email your local congressman /senator
- Follow the campaign online and at our Facebook page
This is not just a matter of her being black or being Muslim or being a woman but, rather it is a matter of human rights. Please join us in aiding in the above cause. May God reward you.