Yahya Naqvi at work once again in his though-provoking poem about the victors of Karbala.

What is victory?
Where is victory?
Victory is Ashura
Victory is in Karbala
Victory is an empty cradle
The youngest soldier
The thirstiest martyr
Ali Asghar is victorious
Victory is Hassan's letter
Hussain's nephew
Death, sweeter than honey
Qasim is victorious
Victory is Fajr's Adhaan
Reminder of the Prophet
Leader of the youth
Ali Akbar is victorious
Victory is under the Flag
The flag of truth
Held by the most honorable
Abbas is victorious
Victory is in Prostration
Of the most obedient
Of the most oppressed
Of the most loved servant
Of the most loyal servant
Under the barrage of arrows
In the heat of the sun
Hussain is victorious
Victory is in Chains
With the women of the household
With the weary orphans
With Hussain's little darling
With a grave in Damascus
With Ali ibn Hussain
With defiance in the court
With Islam's Princess
With her will
With her conviction
With her caravan
Zainab is victorious