Time to Wake Up
Sleep walking saviors living in a dream… Greed creed behaviors gone to the extreme… Dead to the world of responsibility; Dead to the world of their soul’s integrity
Unconscious To Reality…
Living in a dream…a
Walking sleep mentality…
The Damned Devil’s Scheme…
A Nightmare read
As A God sent good sign…
From birth till their dead
They are raped in the mind.
Thinking darkness is witty,
The worst ones wage war.
Unable to pity
The unknowing and the poor…
Afraid to awaken,
And face up to the real…
Alone, lost, and shaken,
Numb to hurts they should feel.
It’s time for the sleepers
To heed the alarm,
And stir from their slumber,
Come aware of the harm
Of unconscious consciences,
That dream that wrong is right,
And awake from their apathy,
And stand up and fight.
Sleep walking saviors
Living in a dream…
Greed creed behaviors
Gone to the extreme…
Dead to the world
Of responsibility;
Dead to the world
Of their soul’s integrity;
So spirits lay a sleeping,
Though sunshine lights the skies.
The holy books sit weeping.
God’s words don’t reach their eyes.
For they only work for wages
Of gold plated sin,
And they don’t care for sages,
Or The Wisdom that’s within.
It’s time for the sleepers
To heed the alarm,
And stir from their slumber,
Come aware of the harm
Of unconscious consciences,
That dream that wrong is right,
And awake from their apathy,
And stand up and fight.
Their children are in slavery.
Their women are at war.
Unconscious is their bravery,
They lay there and snore.
While their values depreciate,
Their enemy still wins,
And they think that sleep alleviates
The wages of sins.
Their neighborhoods are boarding
A non-stop Train To Hell.
God’s guidance, they are hoarding,
But they’re too asleep to tell.
Sleeping on their chances
To show their folks the way…
Distracted by romances,
And a large increase in pay…
It’s time for the sleepers
To heed the alarm,
And stir from their slumber,
Come aware of the harm
Of unconscious, consciences,
That dream that wrong is right,
And awake from their apathy,
And stand up and fight.
Backbiting cannibals,
Consuming their own side…
Fault finding animals,
Gossiping with pride…
Living in a daydream,
Waking up in hell…
Scuttling their own team,
Moved by Satan’s spell…
Their kids are disrespectful,
And their women are the same.
It’s because they are neglectful,
‘Cause sleepwalkers feel no shame…
The only love in dreamland
Is the love for dollar bills.
The only love in dreamland
Makes them sleep on social ills.
It’s time for the sleepers To heed the alarm,
And stir from their slumber,
Come aware of the harm
Of unconscious, consciences,
That dream that wrong is right,
And awake from their apathy,
And stand up and fight.
The roosters are a crowing,
And the sun is on the rise.
The seeds they need a sowing,
And the mission needs surprise.
The horizon line is glowing.
It’s near too late to pray.
And the sleepers are not knowing,
And they think that sleep’s the way.
So those who are not sleeping
Had best rise and make the call.
Without planting, there’s no reaping.
Sleep is how great nations fall.
Rise and call that God Is Greater.
Then rise, and shine, and win.
If God Wills, then soon or later,
Their unconsciousness will end.
It’s time for the sleepers
To heed the alarm,
And stir from their slumber,
Come aware of the harm
Of unconscious, consciences,
That dream that wrong is right,
And awake from their apathy,
And stand up and fight.