Time and Time Again
Brother Yahya Naqvi and Bilal Malek on the continuous struggle of the believer and how the only companion is the mind.

Time and time again I find
My only companion to be my mind
In the face of difficulty without panic
The ice berg slices through the titanic
I envision a powerful, united nation
Evil's fateful discontinuation
I imagine freedom, and salvation
The awaited leading a congregation
Ideas in application not just conversation
The human illustration of bravery
Those who deny all forms of slavery
Time and time again I find
My only companion to be my mind
I'd like to fix things, begin from the start
Hope I'm forgiven, because it's from the heart
I'd like to help you climb these stairs
Share the struggle as you conquer fears
I realized fate and effort are intertwined
That my opinion and the truth might not align
I'd like to fix the emptiness in my soul
The thought seems impossible, but it's my goal
Time and time again I find
My only companion to be my mind
If the world is a sea I would like navigation
If the world is a test then successful graduation
Wish I could run away from the world's affairs
Some of the news is so hard to bear
Attachment to materialism leads to despair
It's those wounds I wish to repair
I'm here to stay, I'll protect the fort
To the notion of surrender we won't resort
Time and time again I find
My only companion to be my mind