The Ultimate Beloved
When… One submits to the Truth, and becomes one of the truthful his efforts would be worthwhile and fruitful like a heavenly bird… flying high reaching the heaven… surpassing the sky.
You have decided
To share with me the ‘hidden secret’
In a journey full with love and hatred
Aiming to none other but The Ultimate Beloved.
In order to…
Start this long and difficult journey
And to ensure one’s security and safety,
Detachment from this temporary world is necessary
To cast all fear, greed, jealousy and enmity.
The heart is clean and pure
Then the heart starts to ponder and reflect
on Allah’s infinite mercy, The Ultimate Cure
That sufferings would be over, and everything would be perfect!
One learn to put his trust in his Lord
Entrusts his affairs to none but God
Then his company would be the angel
Aspiring, and whispering like a loving mother camel
saying, “Remember Me, I will remember you”,
“Remember Allah much, you would be successful!”
One submits to the Truth, and becomes one of the truthful
His efforts would be worthwhile and fruitful
Like a heavenly bird… flying high
Reaching the heaven… surpassing the sky.
The heart is heedless, full of veil
One loses the inner sight…
Failing to perceive all the countless signs,
Life then serves as wines… lost its purpose!
To the world
It’s nothing but a temporary abode
A true promise from The Creator
That His ultimate reward would last forever.
That the hearts attach to Him
Desire none but Him
Then it is a sign that a soul is ready
To depart the world… ready to leave.