Submitting to Good vs. Committing to Nonsense
However, with Divinely Guided logic supporting man’s mental process, Man can trust in God And His Prophet and morally progress. But without The Basic Philosophical Premise of No God But The One the human mind can be fooled by the illusion that “darkness” is “light” and shines forth from “the sun.”
It’s not “the times” that change.
Night still turns to day without radically lengthening or lessening earth’s orbital range.
And folk’s sense of ethics and social exchange
in the time of Muhammad wasn’t that strange.
Time and man’s nature aren’t subject to change.
Folks still tend to glorify what is wrong, and fear what is best.
The reformer these days is still viewed as a pest…
a person obsessed… causing undue unrest.
“How dare he suggest that our past was unblest.”
“Tight jawed”
angry minds stay closed, and can’t honestly ingest
the bitter facts that confess
that our lives are possessed
by wrong thoughts, words, and deeds that should best be addressed.
How difficult it is to swim in a current that’s both swift and profound
when one’s view is in error… when the saving way up is thought of be down.
That’s how so many ancient and modern consciences flounder and then drown.
Temptations and tempters impress all around;
pulling us down making right seem unsound.
One’s God-given conscience will very soon drown
if right direction’s not sought… then believed once it’s found.
And so it was in Muhammad’s time.
How could burying live infants not be a crime?
How could most of their consciences all fail to chime…
to signal the warning of a steep moral decline,
and motivate them towards a high moral climb
to ascend from wrong culture to a new paradigm?
Their premise was faulty, a non-rhyming rhyme,
dead wrong and ugly, pus mixed with slime.
They acquired it, admired it, they stubbornly desired it.
They were blind to the truth because their ancestors sired it.
So they went from real bad to much, much, much worse.
Not admitting their way was a demonic curse.
No human is God… nothing imagined or made.
Worshiping statues is how ancient folks strayed.
What seemed small in their eyes, got bigger in size.
Years turns to centuries. Quickly time flies
bringing bigger, and nastier soul killing lies.
You see, what’s real is real plain when all’s said and done.
The Ultimate Truth is There’s No God But The One…
Infinite… Eternal. Likenesses? He Has None.
God Is Unique, There Is No Facsimile.
No one can Match God’s Peerless Ability.
No God But The God. But Pride is Truth’s nemesis.
No God But The God Is Logic’s Foundation.
“No God” or “More gods” is a false postulation.
Without this most basic premise nothing is certain.
Then what’s true and what’s not is obscured by a curtain
of egocentric guesses… and knee jerk no’s and yes’es…
that lead to perverse sensual excesses
and wrong, foolish cultural obsesses.
However, with Divinely Guided logic supporting man’s mental process,
Man can trust in God And His Prophet and morally progress.
But without The Basic Philosophical Premise of No God But The One
the human mind can be fooled by the illusion
that “darkness” is “light” and shines forth from “the sun.”
Moral reasoning is replaced with permissive guesses.
Society transgresses.
Ego minus meekness means no one confesses.
So people’s guiding light congruently recesses.
because folks of conscience who see and assess this,
who speak out plainly and fearlessly contest this,
are shunned by the masses ‘cuz they hate folks who address this.
The Abu Jahls of the world are darkness incarnated.
The Muhammad’s are suns The Creator Illuminated.
But power and position, wealth, and tradition,
lead most in darkness to shun The Sun’s Mission.
They faithlessly follow a blind Truth Hider’s lead…
Deaf, dumb, and blind and influenced by greed.
Jealous and envious… Opposing The Truth…
murderers… slanderers… vile and uncouth.
Poisoned by pride… selfish… afraid…
yet bowing to gods a human hand made.
The Prophet and those who walked on his Path,
did not postulate falsely or provoke The One’s Wrath.
Their minds embraced reason. Their faith lit the way.
Muhammad’s way frees souls from going astray.
Fear of The Lord is the first feeling that frees you.
Then doing what’s right does naturally please you.
And being pleased by what pleases God then totally frees you
from the addictions to wrong convictions that allows Satan to seize you.