Radiant Birth
The inhabitants of the heavens are flooded by her radiant light, When the pure Lady stands humbled in prayer through the night. On this day O believers stand up and send salutations to Imam Ali’s wife, The child who was born is the Princess for whom you would sacrifice your life!
When she was born, the angels descended in a shower of heavenly blessings –
This is the radiant lady of light about whom Allah sent to the Prophet glad tidings.
The sprouting of a heavenly seed meant to ease the Prophet’s sorrow,
A pure, goodly child – a lesson of piety for the people of tomorrow.
Four noble ladies were appointed from heaven to assist with and witness her arrival,
The beautiful Kawthar through whom the Prophet’s lineage was granted survival.
Not by her father’s name, the baby born is a mistress in her own right,
Who has earned a special position and proximity in Allah’s sight.
The gracious Zahra whose heavenly fragrance humbles that of all flowers,
And for whose sake the inhabitants of earth are sent blessings in showers.
All those who will love them are ensured His salvation,
Such is the result of Fatima and her family’s dedication.
At her birth, Satan is distraught and plans new means of discord,
Yet this lady Batoul is a means of safety and closeness to the Lord.
Lady Fatima wa abeeha wa ba’liha wa baneeha are the purified family,
At the news of whose blessed station the believers speak happily.
When she was born, the angels her praises did sing,
O believers today, with joy let your hearts ring!
The inhabitants of the heavens are flooded by her radiant light,
When the pure Lady stands humbled in prayer through the night.
On this day O believers stand up and send salutations to Imam Ali’s wife,
The child who was born is the Princess for whom you would sacrifice your life!