Race Is A Fiction
It’s not what race you are. It’s how you play the game. Love Thy Neighbor God said to implement. Then why be so disobedient? Justice ain’t a sentiment and race is just an ornament. Superficial preferences… prejudicial reverences…
The whole concept of race is a fiction,
A contradiction… A false restriction.
Race is a notion that’s a devilish constriction.
And race pride is a sin against The Maker
God made us equal but The Devil is a Faker.
It’s just a lie, a God damned lie!
It makes you act before you ask the questions,
“Why”, “What”, “Who”, “When”, “Where” and “How”
You do not ask because you follow like a sheep.
You’re in the herd… you trust what you heard
No matter how ridiculous, no matter how absurd.
Lies that rob the indigent.
Lies that blame the innocent.
Greedy lies legitimize oppressive social detriment,
Economic Crucifixion, Antichrist-like, racial friction
Planetary chaos, brought about by racist fiction.
The whole concept of race is a fiction,
A contradiction… A false restriction.
Race is a notion that’s a devilish constriction.
And race pride is a sin against The Maker.
God made us equal but The Devil is a Faker.
We all have souls, we all have goals.
This planet is a stage where we’re to play out all our roles.
Lies, truth, honor or shame?
It’s not what race you are. It’s how you play the game.
Love Thy Neighbor God said to implement
Then why be so disobedient?
Justice ain’t a sentiment and race is just an ornament.
Superficial preferences… prejudicial reverences…
Ethics, manners and mental quickness have no racial references.
The whole concept of race is a fiction,
A contradiction… A false restriction.
Race is a notion that’s a devilish constriction.
And race pride is a sin against The Maker.
God made us equal and The Devil is a Faker.
Race is a sham, a sickening scam
Race pride is really arrogance, a poisonous flimflam.
Thinking color is advantageous is outrageous, it’s contagious.
It’s a pride induced conviction. It’s the flip side of courageous.
Blessed are the humble, even if they sometimes stumble.
Arrogance is lethal, it makes your spirit die and crumble.
These racist nomenclatures are perverting human nature,
Though God made it illegal long before the legislature.
The whole concept of race is a fiction,
A contradiction… A false restriction.
Race is a notion that’s a devilish constriction.
And race pride is a sin against The Maker.
God made us equal and The Devil is a Faker.
White Supremacy, Zionism, Loving Only My Own Kind-ism
Money Primacy, Mine-ism, Color struck superfinism
Holier-than-thou divine-ism, Revolving Door Punitive Confinism
Afro-centric, Euro-centric, Homocentric, bovine-ism
Not following your own mind-ism, Goose stepping party line-ism.
Democracy redefined-ism, Two-party the same kind-ism…
Elitism, Defeatism, And Never The Twain Shall Meet-ism.
Urban Sprawl Tall Concretism, To Hell With All Yawl Retreatism
Acting like dogs in heatism, Young bedded, unwedded deadbeat-ism…
Traditional Morals Are Obsoletism, Dog Eat Dog Wall Street-ism.
Buyer Beware Corporate Cheat-ism, Greed Creed Corporate Compete-ism.
Criminal Injustice Repeat-ism, That Sickening Other White Meat-ism.
The whole concept of race is a fiction,
A contradiction… A false restriction.
Race is a notion that’s a devilish constriction.
And race pride is a sin against The Maker.
God made us equal and The Devil is a Faker.