Maintaining Empowered Idealism
Make no mistake, though their ruler had a perfect God-conscious link, the people of Medina were in no way unilaterally in sync with the God-guided Way that the Prophet did act, speak, and think. Powerful forces never stopped trying to overtly and covertly hoodwink
Nearly all theocratic states created by the Mosque, Church, or Temple
come no where near Yathrib, the City State of the Prophet… plain and simple.
He who created Mother Eve and our Father Adam
governed the governor of the new Islamic Nation at Yathrib.
Unlike priests, rabbis, and shaikhs, the Prophet was incapable of even telling a fib,
let alone standing up to ad lib
arbitrary rules and regulations
designed more to feather his nest than sanctify the souls of God’s human
The Roman theocratic government burned folks alive
to spread their trinitarian notion and systematically deprive
people of the will to question obvious contradictions of scriptural supported reason.
Using your intellect was taken as heresy… a kind of theological treason.
The temple tribes and priests treated Jesus like he’d committed a crime
for healing the leper, and preaching a theology that was so sublime.
He told them to have human affection for their Roman occupiers,
while labeling Jewish clerics sons of Satan and murderous liars.
Included in this controversial academic observation
are the various historically succeeding Muslim nations
which were, at best, good intentioned imitations,
but still much less than the best political creations
that sprang up after Muhammad’s earthly demise.
Most Muslim nations were and are prone to compromise
Muhammad’s Islamic ideals in order to capitalize
on what their people culturally like or despise,
or to nail down a fiscally lucrative enterprise,
or to galvanize an irrelevant ethnic national identity
rather than keep their political eyes on the prize
and sacrifice, agonize, and, strive
to socially and politically actualize,
the ideals that all pragmatists vehemently criticize.
Using political alibis to compromise one’s ideals makes it impossible to eventually rise
to the skies of near spiritual perfection even when the leadership is recognized and canonized as spiritually saintly yet politically very wise.
Even a perfect prophetic leader cannot work for and materialize
the Islamic political ideal if the people choose fools or devils for political allies.
Compromising with evil more or less severs man’s connection
with Supernatural Infallible Perfection…
a disconnection caused by a spiritual infection…
causing a truth-hiding rejection
which congruently worsens a party’s political complexion’s natural imperfection.
This natural metaphysical law applies to whoever is in governmental authority.
This law also applies to its constituency, be it the radical left or right minority,
or the herd-minded sheeple… constituting the overwhelming majority.
Whether the majority elects the holders of the governmental top spot,
or the people are ruled by a brilliant, ambitious conquering despot,
that government cannot be an ideal God-centered Camelot
if the people do not recognize
and communally refuse to obey and actualize
any state policy whenever their government dictates an act that is an evil blot,
as Muslims are commanded to do in the final verse of Qur’an, Chapter 96 entitled The Embryonic Clot.
This willingness of the people to scrutinize their government and, en mass, defy
any wrong, too strong, impious, anti-idealist lie,
is the ultimate checks and balance which alone won’t condone, maintain, or rectify
any direct disconnection with The Lord, King and God, The Merciful Most High.
This is the only way both ruler and subjects can ever hope to even somewhat
what Prophet Muhammad, with his less than perfect constituency, tried to
perfectly personify.
Make no mistake, though their ruler had a perfect God-conscious link,
the people of Medina were in no way unilaterally in sync
with the God-guided Way that the Prophet did act, speak, and think.
Powerful forces never stopped trying to overtly and covertly hoodwink
Medina’s traditional, herd-minded constituency into stampeding over the brink of perfection into wrong’s deep suffocating egocentrically stormy sea,
away from he who perfectly shepherded them spiritually and politically.
It is true that Yathrib’s people moved to embrace Islam as a community,
and they did so with enthusiasm and with uncharacteristic intertribal unity.
But the entire wall of any mine has not ever been covered in gold.
A large vein of submission did run true though the Yathribite soul,
but not every soul was genuinely sold.