What do our words really mean? Words mean very little unless they are accompanied by true pragmatic actions.

Words are the mere ornament of our actions
For words by themselves are just a distraction
I fight for control
For a so called mission
I spew in the heat
Only add further friction
Nothing I say is up for debate
Juvenile arguments
With unnecessary hate
Nothing I say should ever be corrected
Disregarding the world
But expect to be respected
I am an inflated ego
Full of self-admiration
A hypocrite, a phony
A psyche's constipation
I am the slayer of optimism
Yet I pray for "peace"
The devil saw my empty head
And booked it on lease
I block out advice
Yet I offer consultation
Lead an insignificant platoon
Call it a "grand operation"
Take heed from the idiocy
The masters of illusion
Who preach without practice
And live in delusion
Words are the mere ornament of our actions
For words by themselves are just a distraction