Fiscal Filth
You see, you can’t really possess real estate even if you don’t take out a bank loan. Still, generation after generation is chained to the grindstone trying to buy a an overly priced dwelling with a high interest rate bank loan. The 30 year mortgage is all that you really own.
Real wealth is not gold, silver, or gems.
Real wealth is not money moved by the whims
of market magicians… lenders who hoard
what belongs to The People as gifts from The Lord.
Love’s the real wealth, and compassion is precious.
But interest filled finance makes human hearts callus.
Love Vs. Greed… the battle still rages…
soaring high prices… debt sinking wages.
Dollars in gold, digits, paper, or plastic,
makes some people spastic…
damned enthusiastic…
ready to do what’s diabolically drastic…
morally flipping for money like they were gymnastic.
The Banks loan folks the same money they vowed to secure
with high rates of interest using greed as a lure.
This is fiscally wrong, and spiritually impure.
Debt is a disease, and this is sure not the cure.
The same money folks deposited… their taxes insures.
But the bank loans back their money like financial saboteurs…
laden with interest… an-in-debt-we-trust-hook…
greed baited, folks bite it… bamboozled… then took.
Cannibalistic financial knavery…
induced wholesale volunteer slavery…
knee jerked to react… un-hep to the fact
that they just signed a non-negotiable Faustian Pact…
The Illusion of affluence is designed to fail…
working fifty plus hours for affluence to no avail…
so your freedom’s impaled…
since the fast track derailed…
the illusion that never was… naively bewailed.
You see,
you can’t really possess real estate even if you don’t take out a bank loan.
Still, generation after generation is chained to the grindstone
trying to buy a an overly priced dwelling with a high interest rate bank loan.
The 30 year mortgage is all that you really own.
The feds own the land
and the job owns the man
and The God you claim to trust in
hates this vile fiscal plan.
And the truly dirt poor
for sure can’t endure
though there’s food and a cure,
because mercy’s not money,
and love’s more like manure
when King Midas regulates
filthy financial fallaciousness that only greed stimulates.
Folks starve to death for lack of an overly inflated bill.
While fat, hoarding-non-workers eat up their fill.
What a foul wicked scheme played out till this day.
You don’t get what you earn, when there’s no money to pay.
Folks’ bankrolls are blown
because they took out a loan
in good faith and in trust
from a financial system that’s not owned by us.
Plus… the cash that should flow is not freely flowing.
Because they get rich off the interest that keeps growing and growing.
Thus they reap the fruits of your labor without reaping or sowing.
The corporate un-human hoarders
with no spiritual faith and no national borders,
refuse to invest… to clean up their mess…. that financially molests…
the rest of us unless… We The People Of The East And We The People Of The West… work for slave wages, without any rest.
So now our money that we deposited in their bank for safe keeping
is owned by an un-trustworthy system that sows not but keeps reaping.
And what’s more, the money they claim we legally owe
is more than what’s issued to make the currency flow.
In other words, there’s never enough dough currently in circulation
to pay the interest laden debt incurred by a wage enslaved nation.
So we’re chained to the grindstone in each generation
serving false prophets who profit from fiscal abomination…
a hypnotized consumeristic golden calf worshiping congregation
whose spiritual, social, and political motivation
is other than serving The Lone Lord Of Creation.