

The foolishness of East and West… False pride of Blacks and Whites… False principles that fools invest with choice-corrupting rights. Both good and bad are oft-disguised. And good’s not good enough to see what angels realized— God’s threats are not a bluff.









If what I want’s forbidden me
But is within my grasp,
The Choice is mine to sinner be,
Or treat it as an asp.

What if the choice is not so clear?
Which really is the snake?
Is life and comfort held most dear?
Or death for justice’s sake?

The choice to rise, or stay in bed…
The choice to raise or fold…
The choice to act on heart, or head.
To choose true love or gold.

The choice to max each earthly test…
The choice to score OK…
The choice to strive…the choice to rest
The choice to go or stay…

What principles are surely right?
Who says what’s right and wrong?
What principles should make men fight
Against might if might’s wrong?

False principles aren’t taught by God,
They’re from man’s own design.
Prideful…foolish…vain facade…
A polished “fool’s-gold” shine

The foolishness of East and West…
False pride of Blacks and Whites…
False principles that fools invest
With choice-corrupting rights.

Both good and bad are oft-disguised.
And good’s not good enough
To see what angels realized—
God’s threats are not a bluff.

Who’d choose a vat of burning flame,
To wash her hands and face?
Who’d choose an everlasting shame?
Who’d choose Hell for a place?

The choice between what’s good and bad,
Is not so hard to make.
What’s hard’s to go from good to best,
If neither one’s a snake.

The uphill path from good to best,
Takes courage, skill, and Will—
To face the edge that bests the test,
Takes longing for the thrill.

The pack traverses on a path
That stops short of the climb.
It’s true they miss Perdition’s Wrath,
But too the view sublime.

The uphill path from good to best,
Meanders up the hill—
But what a climb to reach the crest,
And most souls lack the Will.

What drives some folks to climb for best,
What mood, what groove, what state?
Why should a person reach for less,
When more may be his fate?

Ah! There’s the rub. It’s destiny.
But no! It’s more complex.
God knows for sure what’s best for thee.
Uncertainty rejects.

When God works through a soul that strives
To Please Her God, And Lord,
God commends her selfless drives 
With Love as The Reward.

To love to strive…to love to love…
To love the Highest Way.
To love the grace and blessings of
The challenge of the day.

And in the end we’ll wish we climbed
A little higher still.
For all fall short, and life is timed,
But trying is God’s will.

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