The Last Plea of a Sinner
Do not place flowers on my grave nor sprinkle water, for Hussain did not have either on his grave. Keep my hands free to lament over my beloved master, and let my eyes weep bloody tears over Hussain till the day of Judgment.
Do not place flowers on my grave nor sprinkle water
For Hussain did not have either on his grave
Do not place ordinary dust in my grave
But place the dust of Karbala under and above me
Before sealing my grave with the last handful of dust
Place the ultimate Museeba on my grave and allow me to resonate the call of Ya Hussain from beneath!
As you lay my body in the earthly hole
Allow me to sniff the purified air of Karbala
Keep my hands free to lament over my beloved master
And let my eyes weep bloody tears over Hussain till the day of Judgment
Perhaps then these tears can purify my sins with the final Ghusl
And relief the fire on my body
Before praying Salat Al-Wahshat on me
Pray for Imam Husain whose body was left for three days without burial
Oh Allah, permit me to visit my Hussain on every Ashura
In my state of death and in purgatory
Give me a break from the squeezing of the grave
So I can squeeze the children of Hussain in my arms
Give me a recess from the fire lit on my body
So I can go put out the fire from the tents of Hussain
Allow my feet to stand steadfast on the Siraat
So I can carry the daughter of Hussain and spare her foot from the heat of the desert
Oh Allah, place my book in my right hand
And leave my left hand free to sacrifice like Abbas did
Oh Allah when the weight of my bad deeds exceed the good
Allow me to transfer the difference to the killers of Husain
That is one good deed that I can present on the day of Judgment
For it will only grant them more curse and damnation!
That would be my gift to them in addition to my La’n prayers
Forever my tongue will seek their eternal damn and absolute doom!
Whether my residence be Hell or Heaven,
Permit me to witness live broadcast of the Ultimate Castigation
Of the five guilty defendants in the case of Hussain’s Murder
Along with all those who agreed with or without silence
Allow me to entertain myself in the midst of punishment
By putting out an atom’s worth of fire for love of Hussain
Oh Allah despite the strength of the fire’s heat on my body in Hell-Fire
Make the heat of misery of my heart over Hussain’s tragedy be greater!
For that heat of fire over Husain is apt to eat up any surrounding blazes
And perhaps save my neighbor suffering beside me!
Oh Allah, if my body roasts and toasts in the barbecue of Hell
Spare my heart which is burning incessantly over Museebat Al-Hussain
Grant me a sip of cold water from the Pool of Kauther to put out the fire not on my body
But on the heart which lives by Hussain and through Hussain
But before giving me that sip of water,
Allow me to take a recess from Hell and quench the thirst of Hussain’s orphans
Before my skin burns and is replaced with another layer
Allow me to touch the shrine of Hussain for purification
Permit me to seek refuge inside the cage encompassing Hussain’s grave
Let that position be my eternal abode be it castigation or reward!