Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Evil
Before we think of enjoining good, we need to make sure that we ourselves are sincerely attempting to live our lives according to the ways of the Ahlul Bayt. People’s feelings do matter, and Islam advocates kindness and compassion. We have to realize that Allah’s mercy is a characteristic that we need to adopt in our lives as well – as Islam does emphasize us to try and live the characteristics of Allah’s names.
There is a time and place, and sometimes, a way to do things. Many times we find ourselves trying to correct, or do Amr Bil Maroof and Nahi Anil Munkar, to our fellow brothers and sisters. We have wonderful examples of how to enjoin the good and prohibit the evil from our dear Ahlul Bayt (peace be upon them). For example, we all know the story about Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain (peace be upon them) teaching the old man how to do his Wudhu correctly.
A few popular situations…
“Sister, your arms are showing. Don’t you know that you need to cover until your wrists when you pray? You’re going to break everyone’s Jamaat!”
This may lead to hurt feelings. Not only that, it is common for the “advising” sister to go and tell another sister – which leads to backbiting. As we all know that we are supposed to give someone the benefit of the doubt. It just might be that she didn’t know her arms were showing, or maybe she forgot. We are taught, through the stories of our Ahlul Bayt that we can do Amr Bil Maroof and Nahi Anil Munkar through kindness and gentle words and/or actions.
In Lantern of the Path, Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) is quoted to have said, “A person who enjoins what is good needs to be knowledgeable about what is permissible and what is forbidden; he must be free from his personal inclinations regarding what he enjoins and forbids, give good counsel to people, be merciful and compassionate to them, and call them with gentleness in a very clear manner, while recognizing their different characters so that he can put each in his proper place.”
Before we think of enjoining good, we need to make sure that we ourselves are sincerely attempting to live our lives according to the ways of the Ahlul Bayt. People’s feelings do matter, and Islam advocates kindness and compassion. We have to realize that Allah’s mercy is a characteristic that we need to adopt in our lives as well – as Islam does emphasize us to try and live the characteristics of Allah’s names.
The same fact goes for stopping others from wrongdoing – we need to be kind when we are trying to do so. There is a way to get a message across, and some people may be more sensitive than others. Not only that, not everyone may know as much as we know, so we must keep that in mind. Indeed, the purpose of Amr Bil Maroof and Nahi Anil Munkar is not to express our indignation towards the person but determine the best and most effective way to correct his/her action.
For example, if you see a friend maybe eating something that you know is not Halal, you can kindly tell him/her that you have heard the meat in that certain restaurant is doubtful, or even invite him/her to another restaurant and casually bring up the concept of eating Halal up in conversation.
The solutions are many, and the rewards are endless!